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WIRED Article on Mirai (6000 words, ~30m) - https://www.wired.com/story/mirai-botnet-minecraft-scam-brought-down-the-internet/
Love how this builds the story around how it came to be, how the security community responded, and just ties so many threads of this fascinating story together.
WannaCry Ransomware (Wikipedia) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WannaCry_ransomware_attack
Covers a decent amount of the story of WannaCry in short form.
WIRED Article on WannaCry’s Unlikely Hero (15000 words, ~1h15m) - https://www.wired.com/story/confessions-marcus-hutchins-hacker-who-saved-the-internet/
I love how this gets into the life of a hacker who tried to turn good and had their past come to haunt them. I love @MalwareTech on Twitter and so glad that @DeviantOllam and @Tarah came to his rescue.
Slides can be found here.
Kahoot quiz can be played here.